Welcome to this news blog site, designed to take posts and comments from members of Liberal Youth. While I am sure that executive members will contribute from tim to time, this site is intended to be for members, not a mouthpiece for the executive.
If you want to share opinions on LY, the party as whole, Government policy, great campaigning ideas, or anything else that takes your fancy it will be published here. E-mail a post to be published and your membership number to
charlotte.henry@liberalyouth.org and i'll put it up, the only editing will for typos.
No swearing, offensive language, slander, or anything that could lead LY or the party into legal trouble wil be permitted in posts or comments. Apart from those basics, it is up to the LY membership to decided what goes up here and when. I would though ask fo respectful and polite debate, in keeping with the proud Lib Dem history of internal democracy.
Since the forums shut, LY members have been looking for a new place to share ideas and opinions. I do hope you enjoy, utilise, and find benefit in this new facility.
Charlotte Henry
Vice Chair Communications
Er, that blogroll on the right there, did you mean a different Millennium Dome by any chance? I'd've thought millenniumelephant.blogspot.com was a more likely link.